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UP Pugad Sayk Pays THP a Visit

UP PUGAD Sayk (UP Psychological Understanding for Growth and Distinction Society) is a student organization from the University of the Philippines Diliman composed of mostly BA and BS Psychology Majors. Yesterday, around 60 members of their org decided to pay us a visit and the energy they had throughout the 2.5 hour session was commendable! Did we mention they had a wonderful song number performance for the kids as well? Thank you for your heart warming presence and effort in giving us a helping hand, Pugad Sayk! We hope to see you again soon! Special Thank You to Paula Tuano and Luigi Catolico for choosing The Heart at Play as one of PUGAD SAYK's outreach programs. Special Thank you as well to Florenz Trinidad, Geneva Eduarte and William dela Cruz for taking videos and most especially to our frequent volunteers Tiffany de Guzman, Christine Dy, Krystelle Yao, Megan Sy, Kara Pe and our International Guest Volunteer Grace Truong of UPENN.

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